
27 Hilarious Work Memes for Employees Counting Down Until the Weekend
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Another day, another dollar. One would think so, but actually, one has to actually do work to earn that dollar! The world is cruel. But that doesn't mean we can't still take meme breaks right? After all, who can focus when there are mounds of work to get done? So, we've got just the thing here to keep us all sane until the weekend: 27 hilarious work-related memes to get us through the workweek. Because let's face it, work would be unbearable without a little humor to lighten the mood. So treat yourself to a few memes with your coworkers to help give you that extra dose of serotonin that might just be enough to push you through until the weekend finally arrives. Who knows, maybe laughter really is the best medicine for surviving the 9 to 5 grind. But just remember, if anyone asks, you were conducting important research on workplace morale. And if it's there's still research to be done, we have these memes for you next: 28 Dark Humor Work Memes to Banish Monday's Power at its Zenith 
